Mariusz Krzanowski blog


Review of Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann

Today I finished reading a book ‘Designing Data-Intensive Applications’ written by Martin Kleppmann. I would like to share with you my review of this book.

In my view designing and development of any distributed system is a hard work. My opinion is based on over a decade of experience in this subject. The problem is that all modern applications are distributed in some way. If a database is hosted on a different computer than a web server, there is a communication link. You have two services – database service and application service – which share an unreliable network as a communication channel. The browser hosting client code which connects to the web server creates distributed system as well. 

When aborted equals committed

The traditional SQL databases are used by developers as a fully safe storage. The ACID properties are intuitive for us and give us a sense of safety during application development. We know that if during a database transaction a network error occurred and we received an exception, the whole transaction would be rolled back as atomic part of process. To avoid network issues we can retry the operation later and it should solve the problem. It is true in most cases, but there is one when it is not so easy. Let me drill down this subject.

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