My name is Mariusz Krzanowski.
I work in IT since 1999. Computer Science has always been my passion. I have worked at various positions. Sometimes as a developer, sometimes as an architect depending on clients’ needs. Detailed information about my carrier is on my LinkedIn profile and in my CV (last update 2022-12-08)

This blog is created for me and my friends. It allows me to keep my knowledge about various problems in one place. Another, more important reason is hope that this blog can help others. I have always wanted to create blogs, but the first step is always the hardest. I hope that after this first step blogging becomes easier.

I decided to share my knowledge in English for few reasons. First articles in English can be read and understood by wider audience. Second which is even simpler I’ve always wrote application using English language. I wrote documentation in English, so for me it is easier that way. Especially words describing problem likes service, domain driven design, factory are more familiar for me than native translations.

Let you never lack the processing power
